Author Archives: John Tizard

Time for a public service renaissance

Let’s end the commodification of our public services and start valuing them as public goods that serve the interest of society, argues John Tizard. Discourse about our public services all too often fails to appreciate, let alone value, their societal, communal and economic importance. This failure commonly leads to services – even health, education and policing – being regarded as commodities and treated… Read More...

Councillors must be contract aware – outsourcing is political Monday June 4th, 

Most local authorities of all political persuasions currently outsource some of their services to the private sector. Some outsource more than others. Increasingly, authorities are bringing outsourced services back in-house – ‘in-sourcing’ as it is called.  Such in-sourcing is being pursued by council leaders from all the major parties. There are many reasons why local… Read More...

Carillion shows us why public service providers must act ethically

The Committee of Standards in Public Life has made a timely intervention in the outsourcing debate. Its recommendations should be implemented without delay, says John Tizard. The Committee for Standards in Public Life recently suggested public service providers meet the same ethical standards expected of the public sector itself. Specifically, it recommends that: All public… Read More...