Category Archives: public sector

Public procurement should be delivering opportunities for people with disabilities

Reading the Centre for Social Justice (CSJ)’s report on employment for people with disabilities (or perhaps more aptly ‘lack of employment for people with disabilities’) Rethinking Disability Work, I was reminded that although we have made progress in this country in terms of rights for people with disabilities there is a long, long way… Read More...

Opportunity to showcase progressive public procurement

I am delighted to be a judge for the National Government Opportunities (GO) Excellence in Public Procurement Awards 2017/18 (National GO Awards). Having judged these national awards on several previous occasions, I am expecting to evaluate some exciting entries. If past years are anything to go by, I expect that I will be disappointed when… Read More...

Values Matter But To Be Real They Must Be Lived

Values matter. They can drive behaviours and performance in businesses, co-operatives, social enterprises, charities, community groups, the public sector and indeed individuals. They differentiate between and tell us much about both organisations and individuals.

Values are about more than some words on a poster, on a web site, in a chief executives peroration, in a customer, user, or citizen charter,...

Where’s the respect between the voluntary and public sectors?

Local government is facing severe financial challenges and yet demand for services continues to rise.

No surprise then that local authorities and the public sector are turning to the voluntary and community sector (VCS) in the expectation – and sometimes desperate hope – that it will fill the gaps in provision.

But without an honest dialogue and understanding between the VCS...

Brexit – consequences for public procurement

The narrow majority for Brexit in the recent EU Referendum could have substantial consequences for UK public procurement.

This may not have been the result that many of us voted for but given the Government feels it must now press ahead to take the UK out of the EU, it is important to take measure of and understand the potential...

Where are the revolutionary public sector leaders?

The government is pressing ahead with the privatisation of many services and outsourcing. In fact, central and local government, the NHS and wider public sector are relentlessly extending the reach, scope and volume of public service outsourcing. A change in Conservative leader could accelerate this.

In part, this is a direct result of government policy to redefine and reduce the...

Keep the relationship alive

Local government is changing and faces the most severe financial test for many decades, certainly in the experience and memories of both its political and executive leaders.

After more than five years of cuts in central government support, more are planned for the remainder of this Parliament. Worse still, the axe is not falling evenly across local authorities and nor...