Category Archives: voluntary sector

A Shared Society Has To Offer Hope, Opportunity And Social Justice Not Fear, Inequality And Austerity

David Cameron launched his “Big Society” initiative only to let it wither on the vine of government. Through the “Big Society” he wanted an increased role for volunteers, voluntary social action and charities taking over from the state. Over his period in office public sector financial support for the voluntary and community, and wider charity… Read More...

Where’s the respect between the voluntary and public sectors?

Local government is facing severe financial challenges and yet demand for services continues to rise.

No surprise then that local authorities and the public sector are turning to the voluntary and community sector (VCS) in the expectation – and sometimes desperate hope – that it will fill the gaps in provision.

But without an honest dialogue and understanding between the VCS...

EU Referendum: Charities Should Speak Up

In just over a week, the British electorate will have decided what is probably the most important political decision for generations, and for which the outcome will impact hugely on future generations.

The EU Referendum is vital for the economic, social, environmental and political future of this country. It also has major implications for the other EU member states, and...

Local Social Action Is More Vital Than Ever – And So Are Its Champions

If ever there was a time for bold, brave focussed leadership in the voluntary and community sector, at both national and local level, surely it is now?

And this must particularly be case in respect of the local community and small charity sector, which are the backbone of strong communities and the catalyst for local social action.

Given contemporary social and...

The EU and the Referendum Matter to Charities and VCS – They Need to Engage Positively

The outcome of the UK wide referendum on 23rd June will have significant long term implications for the country’s governance, politics, economy, environment, public services, employment rights, social mobility, migration, refugees, asylum status ... and so much more.

Indeed, whatever the outcome, the referendum will result in what is effectively a new constitutional settlement, which will have implications for many...

The community sector must strike and strike fast, post-election

This Thursday’s council elections will inevitably result in changes of political administration and leadership across the country. Even where the same political party retains its majority, there will likely be significant changes in the membership of council cabinets and scrutiny committees.

The voluntary and community sector, on behalf of local communities, must be ready for such changes. Local leaders in...