Category Archives: local government

Let’s take stock

For many in local government and the wider public sector, there is unlikely to be much time to take a break and clear one’s mind of work related issues. The pressures of austerity, Brexit uncertainty, social housing standards, social care, health inequalities, air pollution and so much more don’t conveniently take a long vacation over… Read More...

Public Services Should Value And Respect Citizens – They Are Not Supermarkets With Consumers

Over the last few decades, all governments have seen their stewardship of public services as requiring them to introduce/adopt more and more practices and the language of commercial businesses. This approach does not fit easily with public service and a public service ethos. One specific problem is that when combined with political expediency, an impatience… Read More...

Public sector procurers must respect the voluntary and community sector, or it will not be there for them when they need it

This week, New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) will warn that charities believe their relationship with the state is increasingly dysfunctional, with many of those charities most dependent on public service contracts now seriously struggling. In a report to be published on Wednesday, NPC will report the alarming news that “nearly two-thirds of charities say they have… Read More...

Reach out to volunteers

Local authority leaders should foster and develop strong relations with the local voluntary and community sector and view its member organisations and their staff, volunteers and supporters, as natural allies, writes John Tizard. As former vice-chair of the National Association of Voluntary Community Action, I hear too many reports about local authorities failing to connect… Read More...

For The Sake Of Places And Communities Local Government And VCS Must Be Together

The last few years have not been easy for either local government or the voluntary and commumity sector (VCS). And it is not going to get any better for quite some time. Government continues committed to austerity and cutting local government funding. Brexit will leave social and economic scares. Social cohesion is threatened in a… Read More...

Opportunity to showcase progressive public procurement

I am delighted to be a judge for the National Government Opportunities (GO) Excellence in Public Procurement Awards 2017/18 (National GO Awards). Having judged these national awards on several previous occasions, I am expecting to evaluate some exciting entries. If past years are anything to go by, I expect that I will be disappointed when… Read More...